live on-site animal caretaker
Rotational volunteer positions of 6-18 months
the basics
Our Live-In Animal Care Team Members, will provide valuable support in daily chores, resident wellness checks, and assisting other members of the Animal Care Team. As a consistent and active presence on site, Caregivers are well positioned to track changes in resident behaviors, alert the rest of the Animal Care Team to critical information, and be vital eyes and ears for the animals. In many ways, this is the most important role in our organization.
As a Live-In ACT Member, you will be able to develop a basic understanding of sanctuary management, learn and experience some of the intricacies of pig behavior and communication, as well as earn the trust of pigs and other CTPR residents.
It’s our goal for individuals in this role to leave this experience positively affected by their animal friends and the other humans who devote their time and energy to supporting our mission. You should develop a deeper understanding of animal stewardship, as well as a greater connection to our collective experience and responsibilities as earthlings.
CTPR is an all-volunteer organization, and as such, this is a volunteer-based role (or one paid in snout kisses), so we do ask that those who apply are motivated by their love of helping animals. Those who maintain part-time work of 25 hours or more per week may be asked to pay a small rental fee. A weekly stipend may be offered to the right applicant. Couples are welcome & encouraged to apply.
CTPR is a proud supporter of the LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities.
This is an unpaid position. Previous Live-in ACT Members have had varying levels of employment. If you’re interested and unsure if this will be a good fit for your situation, apply and let’s discuss!
The duties of a Live-in Animal Care Team Member will vary day-to-day contingent upon the many other Animal Care Team Members who come out during various points in the day. Duties could include:
Filling morning wellness shifts & dinner shifts as needed when not covered by other volunteers
Providing fresh water daily
Coordinating tasks with other Animal Care Team Members
Being on on-site point of contact for new Animal Care Team Member (shadowing phase of training)
Providing emotional support to shy pigs
Prep supplements and meds and administer meds/special meals as needed for the residents or to help take the burden off of other animal care team members
Responsible for placing weekly feed orders
Checking on the residents and doing rounds during storms, fireworks, distressing occurrences.
Having an overnight presence on site in case of emergencies.
Being ‘on call’ for emergencies, reachable by walkie talkie or phone
Primary contact for deliveries like pumpkin drop offs and other coordination needs
Basic groundskeeping needs like checking solar power or running the generator
Letting the chickens out each morning and tucking them in each night at sundown, or ensuring that job is covered by someone else on the occasions you cannot.
Helping to input medical data into our database.
Optional - write for our Patreon, to share the live-in perspective.
Flexibility in handling new tasks and projects as they arise, as sanctuary life is full of surprises!
Have an appreciation for the adventure of this opportunity. We are an off-grid property and things are not always as convenient as on-grid living. This is always improving and the person in this role is a key player in helping us understand the needs so we may make those improvements for all!
Tasks vary day to day, week to week. This is an example of what a week may look like, but each week is different!:
Monday: AM chores are covered by volunteers. Midday head to the gate to help receive an important delivery. Dig mud spas during the day because summer is coming. Give a special meal to a pig needing to gain weight. PM chores covered by other volunteers.
Tuesday: Do AM wellness, (approx 8-11AM). Write wellness report. Do laundry and grocery shopping. Meal prep supplements for the rest of the week. Run the generator due to a week of cloudy weather.
Wednesday: help catch and load a pig for their hospital appointment. PM: serve dinner to the residents and write dinner report after. In put some recent medical records into our database.
Thursday: Build a condo for a resident coming home from the hospital. Sit with pigs and get to know them. Distribute bales of hay to East Village cabins. Do waters for the dinner volunteer, and offer to help them locate a resident they can’t find.
Friday: AM West Village Wellness with a new volunteer shadowing you, (East Village Wellness is covered by someone else). Write wellness report. Fix a water line leak. Give meds midday to a resident who didn’t want to take them in the morning. Place feed order for the next week.
Saturday: Join the team in a group project on site or take the day off.
Sunday: off, but you’re available to help offload the pig who just returned from the hospital (takes maybe 30 min)
On site caretakers are expected to 4-5 weekly shifts (daily outdoor tasks in support of the animals), averaging 2 hours per shift, and may be required to pick up an additional 1-2 shifts during a week for unexpected reasons.
On site caretakers help reasonably support other volunteers (especially new volunteers), maintain some simple on site infrastructure, and may be asked to step in to help in emergencies.
Days off are welcomed and encouraged, and weekends are the best days to take off because we have the most help from other Animal Care Team members those days. On-site caretakers should give prior notice ahead of days off so that Animal Care Team members know not to expect or plan on your help!
On-site caretakers are principally in charge of the chickens - letting them out in the morning and tucking them in at night. If for some reason they cannot, they must communicate ahead of time.
On-site caretakers will utilize Microsoft Teams for all reporting and questions, and sign up on Shifts to indicate the shifts they are intending to take charge of or support in.
They are expected to sleep on site nightly, as an overnight presence of animals is extremely valuable and one of the primary duties of this role. Off-site nights are allowed but must be coordinated with CTPR leadership ahead of time to ensure nightly coverage is maintained.
Must be energized by the idea of ‘resource conscious’ living. We are an-off-grid property and so every flip of a light switch or appliance use comes with consequences! We will coach you on what this means, but basic groundskeeping and solar power energy means living in The Cottage is different than conventional living.
Out of respect for the animals we rescue from exploitative industries, meat, fish, eggs, and dairy are not permitted on site. We encourage (but do not require) all who come on site to opt for vegan and cruelty-free products when possible (such as footwear, cosmetics, etc).
On-site caretakers should be skilled at self-regulating for their own health and wellbeing. This means having adequate habits for sleep, mental health, boundary-setting, and nutrition.
Smoking, drug usage, and excessive usage of alcohol are not permitted on site.
This is a period of service to the animals, for the animals! People looking to apply here should be looking forward to being present on site, finding both work and recreation here in the enchanted pig forest. To put it simply, apply to be here only if you want to be here.
We welcome individuals with all levels of experience with animals and pigs, as we have essential tasks that encompass all abilities. People with prior experience may receive preferential consideration depending on season or needs.
All abilities are welcome on our Animal Care Team, but this role as live-in caretaker does require some additional physical exertion. Members of our Animal Care Team include diverse bodies and strength levels, as there are tasks for everyone. Many tasks involve prolonged time in the sun and heat, so applicants should consider their ability to withstand and self-regulate to stay safe. Lots of walking, crouching, kneeling, lifting 25-50 lbs, navigating uneven terrain, etc, are all a part of our daily tasks. All members of the Animal Care Team are encouraged to take breaks and consider their health and wellbeing the highest priority.
Must be able to safely drive a variety of 4 wheeled vehicles on and off-road.
You’re motivated by making this a time of service to the animals. If you’re in your clubbing or traveling phase of life, this probably isn’t the right fit at this time!
Must love animals and treat the residents of CTPR with kindness and respect unconditionally.
the ideal person for this role…
Is here for the animals, first and foremost - to help them, improve their lives, and develop bonds with them.
Is compassionate towards animals and treats them universally with respect.
Embraces hard work and has a relentless work ethic.
Can work outside in 95 degree + heat for extended periods of time. Knows how to take breaks, self-regulate, hydrate, and protect from the sun.
Is a good, open communicator. Can collaborate with all kinds of people, all of whom are also passionate about what we do.
Can ask for help when needed.
Is a good observer, can notice patterns, and has good instincts about when something or someone is “off.”
Is a good reporter, can take photos and share them in a timely fashion for the sake of understanding and sharing information.
Is a good question-asker.
Is willing to eat fully vegan (no meat, eggs, dairy, fish) out of respect for the animals for the duration of their stay. Is willing to ask questions and seek resources if they need help doing this.
Is emotionally resilient, especially as it relates to dealing with animals, illness, medical needs, etc.
Can lift hay bales, 50 lb feed bags, and easily walk miles a day.
is a self-starter and comfortable working unsupervised or without tons of oversight.
Can approach challenges with humor and optimism.
Is flexible and can handle changing plans and unstructured days productively.
Can think quick in an emergency and keep a cool head.
Can use Microsoft Teams and Evernote proficiently as these are both integral to our operation.
living arrangements
Live-In Animal Care Team Members live in our Tiny Home “the Cottage”:
Loft bedroom accessible with steep stairs.
A second loft (can be used for storage) accessible with a ladder
Bathroom with shower and vanity
Kitchenette - medium size fridge, 2 burner gas range, deep sink
Living area
Wifi, adequate for video conferencing, streaming and all uses.
All areas are furnished with basics (bed, couch, etc)
Cottage is off-grid powered by solar with inverters, batteries, and a solar well. Daily attention to these facilities are required.
On site washing machine (in a different building but centrally located). Hang-dry laundry.
They are encouraged to have their own vehicle but can also make use of the on-site vehicle.
A large fenced yard
We recommend bringing the following personal effects
Clothes that can get dirty (or ruined!)
Sneakers, house slippers, comfortable walking shoes
Caretakers should bring their own mud boots and gloves
Sun protection is vital! Hats, sunglasses, sunblock, bug spray, long-sleeve activewear, shorts/long pants/leggings (CTPR always has sunblock and bug spray on site!)
Fanny packs the are comfortable and utility based for carrying around supplies
Reusable water bottles
Cameras or other optional equipment that may make your stay more enjoyable