CTPR favorites
From all walks of life…
Some of the most unique circumstances brought us the most incredible & cherished individuals. If you’ve visited CTPR, you’ve probably met some of these superstars.
If you've been to CTPR, you know Maxwell with his charming swagger and handsome tusks. He's one of the first to greet you and make sure you know you're welcome here. Maxwell came to CTPR after his dad was tragically killed in a 2014 shooting at Fort Hood as he was trying to protect his fellow soldiers. His human mom needed to relocate to rebuild her life that was so cruelly ripped apart. She still visits when she is in the area and helps support her Maxwell from afar. Maxwell is an absolute treasure, and it's an honor to care for him.
Zoey is a standout lady who's clever, creative, and outgoing with all visitors. She was saved from medical testing in 2017, and through a loophole, managed to find sanctuary instead of euthanasia, evading the standard practice for testing animals. Zoey is an incredible being, and bypasses the usual cliques within pig groups and makes friends with everyone.
Cajun Charlie
Cajun Charlie was rescued by Villalobos Pitbull Rescue (of Pitbulls & Parolees on Animal Planet) in New Orleans when he was terrorizing locals (especially men!). Once they drove him to CTPR and we got him neutered, Charlie became the most docile, cuddly guy. He remains especially sensitive to this day when it comes to meeting new pigs and branching outside his comfort zone, but around people, he is all snuggles, love, and can’t ever get enough affection!
Maybelle had few options when she was picked up by animal control because it was apparent that she was going to be a big girl. She was going to be sent to auction before CTPR stepped in to take her. Maybelle is quiet, smart, and adaptable. Potentially part Ossawbaw, she has a unique look to her with her long elegant snout.
The second pig of CTPR, Franklin was listed on a Craigslist ad in San Antonio (where pigs are 100% not allowed within city limits for any reason). The family had no structure for him and would just give him a whole apple or bell pepper when he would scream for meals. He pretty much had full run of the house! (Quite literally he would run laps around the house with his prize!)
Since he wasn’t the cuddly “micro pig” they had expected when purchasing him, they decided to get rid of him, like so many pigs, before his first birthday.
Franklin came to CTPR to become a fast friend to Eleanor who helped him normalize his behavior. He still has some of the “toddler” behavior and needs strong leadership from his pig and human friends
The welcoming committee, the taker of snacks & pig food, they'll shower you with love and all kinds of sass! Our donkey & goat residents came from a friend who came upon this group who needed a new home. Some were very shy around people for a long time, but Violet & Rose are now superstars and incredibly outgoing! Donkeys serve as predator protection with their strong leave-no-donkey-behind mentality when a predator is around. They’ll defend each other from the threat, which means they protect the pigs as well.
Otis - chief prankster
Olive, shy older girl, loves her brother most of all
Violet, main greeter & chaser of the feed cart.
Rose, once a shy girl - now bold! Loves face massages
Iris & Daisy, mother + daughter duo growing in bravery with humans!
Delilah, Danny, Dolly, & Dario
Our feline residents make exceptional friends for our pigs! Cats and pigs are truly a great pair - though natural predators, cats are too tiny to harm the pigs. Physically, the two animals are almost polar opposites - cats are swift, agile, and nimble. Pigs are limited in their mobility, steady beings. Both are clever, and seem to fascinate each other!
Delilah is mom to Danny & Dolly, and were rescued by some local folks from a trailer park where they were being mistreated. Dario was rescued with his sister Delta from a gas station in Houston where they were born (they were the two sickest kittens). Delta was adopted by one of our team members, Jill, and is living her best house-cat life!
Dario, extra snuggly guy & cemetery guardian
Delilah & her pig friend, Kitty
Danny & his pig friend Coco