July 2018
133 pigs seized in Lockhart, TX - Caldwell County
19 more born from pregnant pigs on site at CTPR
The Caldwell Cruelty Seizure is one of the galvanizing moments of CTPR. A story of both heartbreak and salvation, this seizure more than doubled our resident population in a single day. Since then, we’ve experienced so many changes, developments, friendships, sadness, and have been tested in every way. Consistent donors, events, and the love and devotion of the most extraordinary Animal Care Team are at the cornerstone of our successes, and at times, mere survival through the darkest days.
Animal control officers were called when a woman found a
French bulldog in critical condition upon the property. Upon investigating, they found that this two-time animal cruelty offender let his breeding operation get out of control. Nearly 300 animals were seized from his property, victims of starvation, exposure, untreated medical issues.
CTPR founder, Dan, had long been aware of the "business" run by this individual. On Craigslists, this breeder had two separate listings; one selling pigs as "micro" pigs, and then another selling those same pigs as meat pigs once they got older and too large for the ‘teacup ideal.’
most people who volunteer at CTPR will tell you that the caldwell pigs are their favorite.
despite what they’ve been through, these pigs are pure resilience and magic, and they have so much love to give us.

Dan syringe feeding a newborn, July 28, 2020

Newborns, July 28, 2020

Shanda with Bernadette, July 28, 2018

Newborns, July 28, 2020

In the trailer on the way home from the holding facility

Martha, emaciated

Rhiannon, who passed away in December 2018

Craigslist posts and correspondence with the breeder - “Oinkdaddy,” who would sell the adult pigs for food when they weren’t purchased in time as pets.
Forever home.
Most of the details of the case can be found in the Statesman article above, but our part in the story begins on July 27, 2018, when the first 24 pigs in critical need of support came home. Most were just a couple days old, a few were about a week old, and one special girl was Hannah...a pig who was clearly 9-12 months old by most of her physical indicators, but was so emaciated that she couldn’t stand on her own or hold her head up straight. We named little Hannah after Deputy Sheriff Hannah Garret, who led the charge in seizing the victims and bringing about some justice for these sweet souls. Little Bernadette, a small piglet, was also nearly unresponsive and fighting for her life, but with lots of love and syringe feeding, she finally made a turn for the better.
In that first couple of weeks, our hearts broke over and over again as we lost almost half of these tiny piglets. Born to malnourished mothers, these little ones did not get the nutrients they needed in utero, or colostrum once born, and their tiny frail bodies seemed unable to process the food and supplements that the others were using to grow and gain energy. It’s hard to imagine how many piglets just like them were discarded without any support or love our mourning for their passing.
On August 8, 2018, the next 109 pigs from the Caldwell seizure finally came home after spending those prior couple weeks in a holding pen at the Sheriffs office during the prosecution of the breeder. Dan has gone to the holding pen once they were seized to assist the sherif in separating the pigs by sex to avoid further litters. They were deathly skinny even with those weeks of consistent meals.
The day we brought home the rest of the Caldwell pigs was the first time we revealed this cruelty case with the world. We were asked to keep the information private while the investigation was going on. We were so relieved to have brought all the pigs to safety, but the hardest part of the journey was just beginning.
We quickly got all of the boys neutered, but with so few funds raised in the initial couple months, we were unable to move forward with spays, except on a case-by-case basis.
Three of the pigs from the seizure came to us pregnant - Ginger, Elaine, and Hattie. Before December, all three gave birth at CTPR, and though not all the piglets survived, those who did have never known a life without love. Read more about their stories below.
Congenital issues began to rear their ugly heads within certain individuals, and others began to show signs of chronic pneumonia. Over the next 6 months, we would treat critical illnesses in over 3 dozen pigs, and lose 18 of them despite seeking the best medical care, trying non traditional methods like hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and prayers for a chance at life.
We are so grateful to say that now, with so much sadness behind us, our beautiful Caldwell babes are some of the happiest, most joyous pigs we know. We can’t imagine life, and CTPR without them.
Learn more about some of the individuals of the Caldwell Cruelty Seizure below.
Most who know CTPR know the story of Hannah. She is one of the strongest beings to ever walk the earth. Hannah came to us completely debilitated, neurologically impaired, and unable to walk. Through therapy and proper nutrition, she regained her ability to walk and run, and had the most beautiful, loving spirit. In Feb 2019, Hannah suffered a stroke, and became wheelchair bound. She left her body on March 13, 2019. Her transformation, optimism, and resilience will always inspire us. We fight for Hannah.
How Hannah looked when she was found - in need of immediate attention
Hannah & her namesake, Deputy Sheriff Hannah Garrett

Hannah in her wheelchair after her stroke on Feb 14, 2019

Hannah loved meeting and greeting new friends

Hannah & her best friend Tracey

Tracey is a sassy, zoomie girl! When she first came to us from the Caldwell seizure, she was unable to support any weight on her back right foot. After a long hospital stay, she fully recovered. Since then, she's never missed a chance to show off her running skills, and can often be seen doing a zoomie or two for meals!

Zarah is presumed to be Hannah's sister. They resemble each other, and Zarah also displays some neurological quirks similar to Hannah, such as walking with a distinctive tick. Zarah has come out of her shell SO much, and has learned to assert herself around the other pigs for snacks and scratches!
Tank & Tasha
Tank & Tasha are a brother-sister duo with the most charming smiles! They're always first in line for snacks, and Tasha has started to become a total people-pig. Tasha underwent hernia surgery in July 2020. They're both known for being exceptionally dirty all the time!
Moby & Archer
Moby & Archer each had a rough start to life. Archer was dangerously ill, and was hospitalized for pneumonia & diarrhea. Moby had a hernia from his neutering. They each provided much needed support to each other, and helped each other to thrive.
Today, Moby has become a favorite among our team for all the personal growth he’s gone through to come out of his shell and build his own personality!
Moby & Archer, Aug 2018
Archer, Aug 2018
Archer, Aug 2020
Moby Aug 2020
Coco & Glen
Coco & Glen may be litter-mates from their sparkling blue eyes and love of snuggles. Glen is known to chase of all others who try to steal his attention, and Coco offers a more subtle nudge. Coco also loves to play with shade cloths, and has been dubbed our "Shade Cloth Inspector," as she tests them well for durability!
Glen with his bright blue eyes
Mudpuppy is one of the friendliest boys ever! He was one of the first Caldwell pigs to trust humans, and taught his friends to do the same. He was only a few days old when he came to us, so he has mostly only known a life of love.
Gracie & Amelia
Gracie & Amelia were both very unwell from the Caldwell seizure, suffering from serious chronic respiratory infections. When medication didn't help, we brought them (and many others) to hyperbarics oxygen therapy treatments to help deliver oxygen to their tissues, repair their lungs, and facilitate the medication they were taking. Hyperbarics helped push them over the edge towards survival. The pigs who went to hyperbarics absolutely loved it, and quickly learned to walk up the ramp into the chamber all on their own! Gracie is now a favorite among our team with her silly attitude and great appreciation for her strong lungs. Amelia is still wary of people, no doubt after so many frustrating car rides and needle jabs. She's a happy, spunky girl, and loves her pig family.
Gracie & her soulful eyes
Amelia enjoying a Christmas tree snack
Ginger came to us pregnant as one of the pigs exploited by the breeder in Caldwell. She had a really troubled pregnancy since she was so malnourished and most of her babies were stillborn, one died shortly after birth, and one passed after about a day despite human supportive care and the efforts of a dedicated mama. Ginger loved being a mother for that short time. She was protective, loving, and worked hard to nurse her baby boy, even singing to him as he nursed.
Today, Ginger is starting to come out of her shell, approaching humans, and can often be found keeping cool in a water bowl.
Arwen & Bernadette
Bernadette & Arwen are best friends, and have been since day 1. Bernadette was one of our sickest girls, and it was a miracle that she made it through her first night with us. Fortunately, she had Managing Member Shanda's undivided focus and love. Arwen is a friendly and quiet girl who never misses an opportunity to say hi to her human friends.
The “Babies”
Besides Ginger's litter, we had two more litters born on site to Elaine & Hattie. Hattie tragically passed a couple weeks after giving birth and nursing her beautiful babies. Elaine and Hattie were so disadvantaged while pregnant, many of their piglets didn't survive. The ones that did, though, have only known love and a commitment to their survival. They are Victor, Ripley, Nicki, Aliyah, Missy, Latifa, and Marshall.
Leah & Carlos
Leah is one of the friendliest girls and will walk over to you and wait patiently for her scratches! She gets the most spectacular Mohawks when she’s happy.
Carlos is a tremendous fighter. He was so sick as a baby, and suffered from pneumonia, diarrhea, and a broken toe (for which he needed a tiny cast). We were so worried we would lose him several times, but Carlos knew life was worth fighting for. Today he is in great health and so, so happy.


Baby Carlos
