Welcome to
Beautyberry Borough
Eclectic east village
Beautyberry Borough is named for the American Beautyberry plant, a prolific, native, beautiful bush with big silky leaves and magenta berries. When we first moved to this new home, all of the big kids slept among the canopy of Beautyberry. It was, and continues to be, magical.
The big kids:
saved from slaughter.
All of our big kids were saved from becoming someone's needless meal. These pigs are the ones we typically associate with "farm" pigs - Yorkshires and Hampshires bred for meat. We prefer to call them our "Big Kids" because that's what they are...eternal giant toddlers! These pigs are some of the most affectionate and loving.
Hank, Loretta, & Emmy
Rescued January 2017 from Beaumont, TX
Hank, Loretta, and Emmy were living in a horse trailer for the first year of their lives. They were knee deep in their own feces, awaiting the fate of their siblings - slaughter for food. These three siblings are all so affectionate. Loretta is the queen of her herd. Hank is an easy-going goofball. Heartbreakingly, Emmy unexpectedly died following her spay surgery while still in ICU in Fall 2020. Emmy was a clever, loving, talkative girl who could make friends with just about everyone.
In loving memory of Emmylou, who passed away after a spay surgery in 2020
George, Willie, & Kitty
Rescued Fall 2017 from Westport, MA
George, Willie, and Kitty came to us from the largest animal cruelty seizure in New England's history, raided by the ASPCA. Over 1400 animals were seized, emaciated, starving and canibalising to stay alive. Hundreds more were dead on the farm. After years of struggle in prosecuting, the cruel perpetrators were let off with barely a slap on the wrist. These three babes are so warm, friendly and love belly rubs. King George rules the herd with Loretta, Willie is relaxed and loves to scratch his human friends, and Kitty is a true beauty and affectionate girl.
Read more here.
The trio when they first arrived
Rescued early 2018 from Texas
Raymond is an Ossabaw pig, a type of wild pig from an island off the coast of Georgia. He is extremely fluffy in the winter, and sheds his coat to become very sleek in the summers! Raymond came to us from another sanctuary who couldn't handle his "energy." Raymond in fact has tons of energy, and likes to jog and do "crossfit" with his giant tire. Ossabaw pigs are often victims of diabetes testing because physiologically, pigs are very similar to humans, and their typical lifestyle offers a feast or famine environment that causes their bodies to settle in a pre-diabetic condition. Raymond is a silly boy, minimally assertive, loves scratches, and is one of the handsomest around!
Dahlia, Molly, & Annalise
Rescued February 2018
CTPR received a call about a pig who was sick while in labor. Dan was able to offer help for the pig if, and only if, he could leave with them. Annalise was terribly sick with a respiratory infection. Dahlia was in labor for days, and needed help delivering. Her whole litter was stillborn, except for her one little girl, Molly. This family depends on each other for everything. Dahlia is now hard-of-hearing after fighting a fever for over week during labor, but she is become more and more social. Molly is loving, silly, and respectful of her elders.
In September 2020, Annalise was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Dahlia spent weeks with her in the hospital as her support system. There is nothing these two girls loved more than each other. Annalise tragically passed away during surgery. We miss Annalise fiercely; she was outgoing, silly, sassy & confident in herself, with one brown and one blue eye. Dahlia has since become more outgoing, it seems to help heal our hearts and fill her sister’s void.
Dahlia & Annalise
Baby Molly, March 2018
Annalise loved beautiful things.
The love shared between these sisters is forever
Annalise & her silly tongue
Dahlia keeping her sister company at the hospital
Miss Molly
Mama Dahlia
Dahlia & her tiny baby
Rescued February 2022
Pixie was raised in the FFA program (Future Farmer’s of America) by a high school students. It’s customary that students raise farmed animals and sell them for slaughter to earn money and learn about agriculture at the end of the school year. Pixie’s student was devastated and heartbroken to betray her best friend, and reached out to us. The day before Pixie was scheduled to be slaughter, she found her way to the Enchanted Pig Forest, her perfect name reminding us that this truly was kismet.
Pixie & Molly
Molly & Pixie
Pixie being welcomed to her new home
Rescued February 2018
Bailey was saved from a livestock auction as a 2 month old piglet by local activists. She had a hip joint infection that required much hospitalization, and then reduced activity to heal fully. Today, she's a happy spunky girl, and loves her little friends.