it’s a tragically common fate…
…for so many pigs. When a family decides they no longer want their pig, there are few places to turn. Sanctuaries are overburdened, and shelters aren't equipped to accommodate pigs. People abandon their pigs outside, in the woods, or wild. Often, animal control is called when the pig wanders back into the community for resources. Once in the possession of animal control, the pig has only a few days to reconnect with their owner or be turned over to a sanctuary. Many of these pigs are euthanized or sent to auction when neither of those scenarios come through. Several of our residents have come from these dire and last-chance circumstances.
Some may say he's lazy, but really, he's just conserving his energy for something important (like a snack)! Lance was found wandering around a neighborhood. As a very big guy, he intimidated locals. Our team knows Lance as a gentle soul (but he's fast as lightening when there's snacks around). Lance is an older guy, and is very anemic, so he must spend cold days and nights inside the house.
Finn was abandoned & picked up by animal control as a baby. He's one of the snuggliest pigs we know, and would still be a lap pig if his size still allowed. He'll melt for a belly rub within just seconds.
Here’s Finn cuddling with his friend, Bailey.
Bobsi came to us in December 2018 when she was found abandoned and hiding under someone’s porch. She had tons of scars on her face indicating she was likely attacked by a dog while she was wandering on her own. Bobsi is a clever girl who continues to keep a distance from humans (except when there are treats around), but is a confident, happy girl and leader among her pig friends.
‘Mama’ Josie
Josie was a loved family member until her person passed away and she was abandoned on a property. Her family acknowledged that she was first bought under the premise that she would be a micro pig, but she's over 250 lbs of beauty! When Josie first came to us, she had a tremendous amount of hanging skin due to fast weight loss from being left to fend for herself. She had a tummy tuck and is looking better than ever. Mama Josie has adopted many of the littles as her own, and is a strong matriarch for those around her (including Bailey). She's always got a lot to say and appreciates anyone willing to listen.
Maybelle had few options when she was picked up by animal control because it was apparent that she was going to be a big girl. She was going to be sent to auction before CTPR stepped in to take her. Maybelle is quiet, smart, and adaptable. Potentially part Ossawbaw, she has a unique look to her with her long elegant snout.